Monday, April 25, 2011


For many projects, Lifestream travels worldwide to the site of use of our water purification equipment.  This may be to start up or train operators on new systems.  It may also be to upgrade or service older systems, which may have been in operation for up to 19 years.  These travelers must be a hearty bunch.  Arrival on oil platforms may mean swinging on a rope from a heaving shore boat onto a grate and up stories of stairs.  They are advised not to look down at the churning water below.

They may have to be prequalified to arrive as our engineer was to attend our start up on the BP Lan Tay platform off the coast of Vietnam.  First he went to platform emergency helicopter evacuation training in Singapore which included simulation in a pool.  He spent his 2 weeks on the platform fighting a severe ear infection from the experience.

Servicing a desalination system on board a cruise ship in Alaska resulted in extra duties when a fire on board occurred and everyone was evacuated.  Lifestream’s engineer was able to offer an extra helping hand to many disoriented elderly passengers getting to lifeboats when the fire alarm system failed.

Post 911, security is fierce to enter military bases, shipyards and ports where Lifestream is working to service our systems on vessels.  Sometimes it makes customs look like child’s play.

Stranded and waiting out an erupting volcano, flying very low in very small planes in bad weather over remote Alaska while sharing a ride with the local Eskimos, make arriving home even days late a welcome return.

Lifestream manufactures and services desalination systems for use on oil drilling platforms, and for the marine industry including navies and coast guards in many countries.  Land based systems from 200 gallon/day to 1 million gallons/day are supplied for a variety of industries.

For more information on Lifestream Watersystems Inc., contact Julie Kimmel:

Lifestream Watersystems Inc.
P.O. Box 634
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

(714) 375-6583
(800) 468-5426 (Toll free except CA)
FAX: (714) 375-6586

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Lifestream 31,680 Gallon/Day Reverse Osmosis Desalination System Produces First Pure Drinking Water In Marshall Islands Relief Effort

Lifestream Watersystems Inc., a Huntington Beach manufacturer of reverse osmosis desalination systems has just completed installation of a 31,680 gallon/day seawater desalination plant as part of a FEMA effort to assist the Marshall Islands, hard hit by a 7 month drought brought on by El Nino conditions.

The emergency relief is being managed by Brown & Root, a Houston based company with worldwide experience in supplying emergency water and other relief in places such as Rwanda and Algiers. Shipped from Lifestream's Huntington Beach factory, the skid mounted system was transported by a C-130 Transport Charter to Ebeye on the Kwajalein Atoll. Within days the systems was delivering much needed water to the community of 13,000 people.

Lifestream Watersystems Inc. supplies a standard line of desalination systems and custom water purification systems of up to 200,000 gallons/day for military applications, emergency disaster use, commercial marine use and a variety of land based and industrial applications.

For more information on Lifestream Watersystems Inc., contact Julie Kimmel at:

Lifestream Watersystems Inc.
P.O. Box 634
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

(714) 375-6583
(800) 468-5426 (Toll free except CA)
FAX: (714) 375-6586

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Lifestream Watersystems Inc., manufactured and shipped to Mexico a reverse osmosis seawater desalination system constructed inside a 20 foot container.

The container acts to protect the system and functions as the building to house the unit, making storage outside practical.

The system shipped has the capacity to produce up to 50,000 gallons/day (190 MT/day) of potable water from seawater. It also includes special equipment to alternatively operate the system to produce 26,400 gallons/day (100 MT/day) of potable water plus 13,300 gallons/day (50 MT/day) of high purity water less than 10 ppm TDS from seawater, for a total of 40,000 gallons/day (150 MT/day). The system will purify water to be used for factory processing water.

Lifestream containerized systems are used for a variety of applications including factory water, emergency use for disaster relief, systems for condominium projects and hotels, systems to provide water dockside for marinas and other land based uses.

Please contact Lifestream for information on containerized reverse osmosis desalination systems and skid mounted systems available up to 200,000 gallons/day.

For more information on Lifestream Watersystems Inc., contact Julie Kimmel at:

Lifestream Watersystems Inc.
P.O. Box 634
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

(714) 375-6583
(800) 468-5426 (Toll free except CA)
FAX: (714) 375-6586

Friday, March 18, 2011


Ideal for mobile applications, such as emergency relief efforts and military applications, Lifestream Watersystems Inc., Huntington Beach, California, supplies reverse osmosis desalination systems which are trailer mounted with GENSETS, prefiltration equipment, seawater reverse osmosis unit, post-treatment chlorination systems and portable storage tanks. The most recent systems shipped to the Middle East were 15,000 gallon/day capacities with an 80 kW GENSET, to purify high salinity seawater. Systems up to 100 MT/day (26400 gpd) are available on an 8 foot by 20 foot tandem axle trailer.

Lifestream is a manufacturer of water purification equipment specializing in filtration systems and reverse osmosis systems from 200 gpd to 700,00 gpd.

For more information on Lifestream Watersystems Inc., contact Julie Kimmel at:

Lifestream Watersystems Inc.
P.O. Box 634
Huntington Beach, CA 92648
(714) 375-6583
(800) 468-5426 (Toll free except CA)
FAX: (714) 375-6586

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Lifestream has retrofitted U.S. Coast Guard Ice Breaker Polar Star with a 10,000 gallon/day seawater desalination system. One of the challenge of the project, successfully completed, included constructing the system in modular form so that all components could be carried through the existing hatchways on the ship and fit into the required space, which was limited.

The system was also built to produce rated capacity of potable water down to just above freezing seawater temperatures, as the Polar Star spends the bulk of her time in the Antarctic and Arctic regions.

Lifestream is a major supplier to Coast Guards, Navies and other military organizations worldwide.

For more information on Lifestream Watersystems Inc., contact Julie Kimmel at:

Lifestream Watersystems Inc.
P.O. Box 634
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

(714) 375-6583
(800) 468-5426 (Toll free except CA)
FAX: (714) 375-6586

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Lifestream has manufactured a 120,000 gallon/day reverse osmosis water purification system to provide water for a new five star hotel in the West Indies. The system will provide purified water drawn from a brackish lagoon. The desalinated high purity water serves the hotel rooms, pools, laundry, kitchen and grounds. The system was designed and built by Lifestream with a very short production time to meet the construction schedule of the hotel.

The system includes a feed pump to pump the water from the lagoon to the system, a booster pump, mixed media filter, 20 & 5 micron cartridge filter, reverse osmosis system and chlorination system.

For more information on Lifestream Watersystems Inc., contact Julie Kimmel at:

Lifestream Watersystems Inc.
P.O. Box 634
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

(714) 375-6583
(800) 468-5426 (Toll free except CA)
FAX: (714) 375-6586

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


As part of the efforts to expand oil reclamation from the tar sands in Alberta, Canada, Lifestream has shipped three reverse osmosis water purification systems that will be used to produce water for the expanding workforce. The systems will remove iron and purify brackish water taken from local wells. The systems were custom engineered and include manganese greensand filters, carbon filters, particulate filters, and chemical injection systems with the R/O to purify the water. The systems operate automatically with the use of a PLC and include sophisticated monitoring equipment to manage the pure water production efficiently. The purified water will be used for all water needs including drinking and domestic use.

For more information on LIFESTREAM Watersystems Inc., contact Julie Kimmel at 714.375.6583.